
Why Branding and Sales Work Like a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Luscious PP&J Harmony

Recently, I had the opportunity to discuss branding and sales with a few business owners at a networking meeting at Ebb and Flo’s Watering Hole. The consensus among the irregular regulars, a few of whom own businesses, was that during a tough economy it made more sense to forego soft marketing efforts including branding, in favor of hard and direct efforts to beef up sales.

I found this thinking as difficult to swallow as an entire Ebb& Flo’s hardboiled egg. I believe,  that emphasizing sales versus branding is not a savvy and sustainable marketing strategy and could adversely affect growth. What about the daily dose of fiber that a complete marketing effort offers? What about the sustenance of branding as part of a nutritious, well-balanced marketing plan?”

Well, let’s analyze the situation. The kind of branding I’m talking about extends to social media marketing where you’re really not trying to sell something except your brand image. This includes posts on Facebook and LinkedIn, Instagram and particularly blogs. Blogs, especially in the time of Covid, are supposed to be helpful and not self-serving. We’re looking at “noble” blogs with titles like, “6 ways the pandemic saved my marriage” and “Why we give all our earnings to the sustainable tuna foundation.”

Brand image marketing creates loyalty, differentiation, credibility, and the incentive to buy. It fills two of the criteria in the magical triad of the sales process: making your brand known and likable – you have to earn trust.  Hard selling generates sales and purchases too, which is hardly news to you or salespeople. They’re out there every day, making cold calls and trying to warm up potential clients so they can close a deal.

The distinction between these two parts of your marketing mix is that branding, whether online or delivered by other communication vehicles is a long-term process that takes a while to make its sale. Direct, hard-core selling has much more of an immediate impact and can generate instant results. This is in part because salespeople can sit down face-to-face (or mask to mask) with clients and not only sell the big brand picture, but use on the spot, hot tricks of the trade, like price reductions, perks for buying today, creating a sense of urgency and whatever else closing takes.

The truth is we need sales and branding to work together hand-in-hand to reach our target markets and corporate objectives. When we decide to focus on one and ignore the other it’s like peanut butter and jelly. You can eat them separately and they’re good,  but they’re so much better together as a layered, tiered, and luscious sandwich.

What we need to do is recognize the distinct differences of these marketing tools, in terms of timing, mindset and creative approach, to name a few distinctions. But we also have to recognize and applaud their commonalities. Ultimately, branding and sales have the same goals: raising the bottom line and increasing profits and growth. They’re simply on different parts of the marketing menu, that’s all.

Shouldn’t we consider these elements as equally important? Shouldn’t we be thinking short and long term?

Small businesses can’t afford to favor immediate savings at the expense of brand image and brand building. It may look good on the books at the moment, but this kind of marketing approach can be unappetizing and costly over time.

Luckily, you can have both without sacrificing anything with Ardito Creative. Enterprises because we do brand imaging marketing and direct selling simultaneously,  kind of like walking and eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at the same time. Here’s something else that social media/branding campaigns offer:  using mediums like Facebook, Linkedln In, Twitter, and Instagram can be quick, integrated and easy. Best of all, you can sustain your branding efforts for peanuts while Sales sail on. Everyone’s happy and everything’s in harmony like a good, old PP&J.

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